Changing Lives Martial Arts - Martial Arts & Fitness for All Ages!
Greenbrier Remodel Instructor Posing

Our Instructors are EXCITED to SEE you!

February 19, 2021

Greenbrier Remodel Instructor Posing

By Changing Lives Martial Arts, locations in Chesapeake and Virginia Beach.

Karate Instructor and New Mirrors


The exciting renovations of our Greenbrier Changing Lives Martial Arts school continues with the addition of our new MIRRORED wall at the front of the training mats!  These mirrors will give our instructors eyes in the back of their heads, and allow our students to have even better visibility of their own moves and forms to make them shine and sparkle like the true martial artists they all are!  We welcome you to come and see all of the changes to our Greenbrier location!

Men Removing Mirrors and GB Remodel

We’d like to give a big “THANK YOU” to Billy with B&B Glass and Mirror for the efficient, affordable and seamless installation of our mirrors!


Visit us at for any of our locations in Chesapeake and Virginia Beach.

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