Greetings CLMA Family!
Greetings CLMA Family!
Can you believe it is August already! The dog days of summer are here!
We have some exciting events coming up, so make sure to mark them on your calendar now so you don’t miss out!
Current Testing Cycle Life Skill:
Next Testing Cycle Life Skill:
Testing/Graduation Dates
TKD: Testing for All Locations
All Locations: September 5th & 6th
Early Registration Deadline: August 22, 2018
KM: All Locations For All Locations
All Locations Thursday, August 30
Early Registration Deadline: August 16, 2018
Closed for Labor Day Weekend: September 1-3
CLMA will be closed for Labor Day on Saturday, September 1, 2018. Classes will resume on Tuesday, September 4th.
New Schedule Beginning of September 11
Stay Tuned! We have some exciting changes coming including our schedule! We will send out the new schedule soon and it will begin on Tuesday, September 11th
Region 111 and National Tournaments for 2018
The next Region 111 Tournament (and the first region 111 tournament for the season) will be held on Saturday, September 8th in Durham, North Carolina! More information to follow, but make sure you mark this date on your calendar!
Fall Nationals will be held October 17-20 in Kissimmee, Florida.
CLMA’s Annual tournament will be November 3rd at the beautiful Virginia Beach Convention Center! We are looking forward to seeing all CLMA students represent and show off their skills!
Belt Ceremony: September 14
For all students who attended testing, we will be having our potluck belt ceremony on Friday, September 14th! The ceremony will start at 6:00pm followed by a Pot Luck! Make sure you mark down what you will be bringing on the sign-up sheet!
TKD Black Belt Ceremony, Bootcamp, and Picnic: September 29
Saturday, September 29th is setting up to be an EXCITING day! At Little Island Park in Sandbridge, we will be holding our Black Belt Ceremony at sunrise! Following the ceremony students are invited to participate in a bootcamp on the beach where they will work on forms, sword or stick skills, self-defense, and kicks! They will get the opportunity to train with each CLMA instructor!
After the workout, join us for a Potluck picnic! CLMA will provide the burgers and hotdogs for everyone and we ask that each family brings a side dish or dessert!
Don’t forget your water guns! There will be a water gun fight: Students vs. Instructors!
Black Belt Ceremony: 6:45 AM | Workout: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Picnic: 12:00 PM
Registration for the workout is $50 and includes an awesome shirt! Register before August 30th to receive a $10 discount. Don’t wait, register today!
Little Island Park:
3820 S Sandpiper Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Home Invasion Seminar: October 27th
Want to learn how to protect yourself and your family? CLMA will be hosting a Home Invasion Seminar on October 27th. Registration for the seminar is $85, but save $25 if you register before September 30th!
If you are, or know anyone who is a teacher, firefighter, police officer, or first responder, they can attend this seminar FREE!
Changes in Contact Info:
For those who may have had changes in their contact information, please update your instructor with any new phone numbers, addresses, or email addresses so we can keep you up to date with all that we have going on!
Do you have some great ideas, concerns or suggestions you would like to make for our academies? We’d love to hear from you! We recognize that listening to the opinions of our customers is one of the most important things we can do. Please send us your great ideas and suggestions so we can review them and see if we can incorporate them into our academies! We are always striving to make your martial art experience at Changing Lives Martial Arts the best that it can be! We will review all suggestions and implement them as best we can if they assist in better service to you! We appreciate your trust in allowing us to change the lives of all students. Please send us all of your suggestions HERE